Wow!!! I cannot believe it has been a month since I have written on the blog!! Life has been so interesting the last month, but it has been wonderful! What a blessing the Lord has such a bigger plan than mine.
Life is Auburn has been so amazing since I have been back. Seeing old friends and catching up with everyone really has been the best part of coming back. So many people had such awesome summer experiences and I love hearing about them.
I miss home, but I am soooo thankful that I had a wonderful summer at home and time to grow in the Lord and to just have "free" time. It really was a life-changing summer. I decided to change my major, which was a HUGE thing for me. I always wanted to do Broadcasting, but the Lord changed my heart. I am now in Fashion Design and Merchandising. I believe this is where the Lord will be able to use me. I would love to design clothes that make any young girl have confidence. Also, I would love to make it to when someone buys something from the line, a shirt or jeans, even shoes, will be donated to people in over seas countries who are less fortunate than us, as Americans. That would be the dream.
The Lord knows all, I cannot have or try to have control over my life and its situation.
I am reading a book that is absolutely changing my life: Having a Mary heart in a Martha World. It is soooo good. Here are some quotes and stories from what I am learning: "Getting close to Jesus means we can no longer hide our inadequacies. His light illuminates everything that is wrong and ugly in our lives. Unconsciously we may flee from God's presence rather than pursue it."
Peace. Love. Joy.