Sunday, May 13, 2012

Yes, Lord.

Hello friends, I promise I am still alive. I have been MIA this past semester due to the responsiblities in my life. Yet, I am so thankful for every second, I do miss being able to blog whenever I please. Now that it is summer, I am so excited to say that I am going to try and pick up this love of mine back up again and really try to make it a habit. So here is my promise, I am going to try at least once a week! We will see how it goes. This past semester has been such a learning experience for me and my life. I am so thankful for every lesson, every person, and every situation that has occured. I am serving this year as Panhellenic President and it really has been such a dream come true. I can honestly say that the Lord has placed me here for a Him and His purpose. I have been able to glorify Him in so many ways and He has walked along side of me, also has gone before me, each and every step of the way. I have been able to say fully, "yes, Lord." He has been so faithful this past semester and I know He will continue to be in the coming days, months, and years after I have completed my term. This opportunity has helped me to realize that I can do nothing without His help. He is my giver of peace and rest, and I am complete in Him.

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